Three Joys
1. A loving husband who does his best to give me all I want and more.
2. Two beautiful, healthy children. One who was even an angel ALL sacrament long today :)
3. The beauty of the mountains that make me smile everyday.
Three fears
1. Losing a child physically,spiritually, basically in any way possible.
2. Bad people who hurt others, and could possibly harm my family or myself.
3. The dark
Three Goals
1. To be a better wife and active mother.
2. To get back into the habit of daily scripture study.
3. To show love and kindness to everyone regardless.
Three current obsessions
1. Blogs!
2. Babies
3. Spades on the computer
Three random surprising facts about me
1. I once yelled at my eighth grade teacher
2. I like twisted plots either in books, or movies
3. I have lived both in the northwest, and on an island and I hate seafood.
I am not tagging anyone but I would love to hear your "threes" so if you do it comment so I can come check um out.