Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Say what?

My son really wants a dog. We recently spent time with my in-laws who have two dogs and he has wanted a little dog like grandma's ever since. I sat down with him and began explaining that dogs were a lot of work. I asked him who would feed the dog? He replied enthusiastically "I will!" I asked him well who will walk the dog? Again an excited "I will!" And who will clean up the poop if the dog poops in the house? He tilts his head, "ummm...Mom will!" and that is why we are not getting a dog anytime soon.


Amanda said...

At least he's honest about his assumptions! That's why we'll be waiting a while after buying our house too!

sarana said...

that's too funny!

Crystal said...

ha! Smart boy. We are lucky enough to have neighbors with a little weiner dog and a great big yard. We play and leave. It's perfect.

[Morgan] said...

he he he.
oddly familiar conversation...
we got a fish:)

Robyn said...

Smart boy! Even smarter mom!

Amanda said...

I wish we could come play too! The boys would love that!

Life with the Warrens said...

awesome. good teaching lesson. why would you need pets when you children and a husband?

happyv said...

haha! you need to find a neighbor like C's. play & leave. they're on to something!