Friday, July 31, 2009

My son the fish

My son has no fear of water. NONE. We sent him up to go down the slide which he has been doing alone since he was two only to find him standing at the edge of the 10 foot waterfall! Without hesitation and to my horror he jumped. After watching all his older cousins have fun jumping off the waterfall he figured he could do it too.


Crystal said...

I would have died if that were one of my kids...but it's pretty cool! At least he has the life vest on.

Amanda said...

Oh my! I can totally see Caden doing that! I'm impressed that you got a picture of it, or did he do it again?

Maleina said...

The picture was not the first attempt. I did about die when he was up there the first time luckily we were close enough to get him. We were watching for him, we were just expecting him to come down the slide. This is my brother in laws neighbors pool that they reserve for our family reunion every summer so it was just our family there which makes it a little easier to let him go off and do things.

Margaret said...

Wow. I would hesitate doing that as an adult. I cannot believe how old he is!

sarana said...

brave brave child! he's a true island boy. that's an amazing pool.

Nakki said...

OM! &he wasn't scared afterwards? That looks so high! But fun...for me! But i'm like 20+ yrs. older than him! lol