Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm seeing blue

So being stuck in the house with no end to snow in sight I began talking to my walls. It went something like this:
wall: I am looking so white and boring you should use that can of paint sitting there and paint me today.
me: Are you kidding? I have toilets to scrub, daipers to change, and mouths to feed. Painting you is the last thing on my mind.
wall: It would take your mind off of things and make you feel productive.
In the end the wall won. It actually did help take my mind of things. Who knew painting a tiny half bath would be so time consuming. In my true fashion things are still a mess in the bathroom. I did however get some toilet scrubbing, daiper changeing, and mouths fed all thrown into that mix.

(The flash makes the blue look bright, it is a lot darker in person.)


Crystal said...

I LOVE that you painted instead of doing dishes. Please teleport me some of your wall painting mojo so I rescue myself from our off-white prison.

Amanda said...

Congrats! So, is this the same blue in the family room, or a different shade? How are you going to decorate? That is so fun! I'm jealous!

[Morgan] said...

Looks great! I love the blue. Some days I like the snow, but the cold, I'm getting tired of! Ellie asks to ride her bike almost everyday! Please come Spring!

Nava_jo said...

Beautiful color! I love it. It seems calming, I wish our landlady would let us paint. Painting brings out personality in the home. :)

Maleina said...

It was very refreshing to paint. The blue is actually a color we picked for our family room and ended up not liking so I am glad I found use for it elsewhere. I hear you Morgan with wanting spring to come my kids need to see the sun!

Margaret said...

I love that you did that. I have some paint around my house too...hmmmm, you made my wheels start turning.

Staigerfamily said...

I love the blue! Hate to break it to you. . . but my kids are outside riding bikes right now and enjoying our "spring-like" weather! Funny thing is--they have been begging for snow!

Veeda said...

I hate being stuck inside too. I love that the walls won over the chores! (Also, I really like that color blue.)

N for Fila said...

I like it, it looks about the wall speaking to you, that's strange...LOL! but they speak to me too!

Hey, This is Lisa. said...

Hey Maleina,

I'm not sure if you remember me but, its your pal from New Haven Lisa. Last time I saw you was at PF Chaings. Then I came across your blog on someone elses blog. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and see how your doing. Your kids are cute!! I'm finally pregnant and am due in June. I'm having a little boy. Well, keep in blog is And my email is Take care cutie!

Hey, This is Lisa. said...
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Nakki said...

I love painting. But painting walls is hard! Props to you. I'm all about home decor...

angie said...

i know i'm supposed to be writing a paper, but i wasn't able to start writing it so i decided to start my own blog...they're on the rage!!