Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wise guy

Our family home evenings usually consist of a lot of singing, a brief message, and a fun activity. On Monday we had a dance party for our activity. It was a hit. We rocked out to the RM soundtrack. Nothing like head banging to In the Hollow of Thy Hand. Well it had been such a successful party that Caden wanted another dance party the following night. I opted out of this one and stayed in the kitchen to clean up after dinner while dad took the kiddies to the family room to once again rock the night away. Caden after dancing for a little bit ran back into the kitchen, "mommy, dance party" he exclaimed excitedly trying to direct me to join them. I explained that mommy was tired and busy and that maybe I could just dance from the kitchen. He smiled as I danced for him and seemed satisfied enough to rejoin his dad and sister. About five minutes later he returned this time his sweet eyes pleading with me to please come and join the dance party. "Dance party mommy, come!" I could not resist a second time. I left the sink full of dishes to join the family dance party, as I watched my kids groove and got a groove on of my own I could not help but think what a wise little guy I have.


Crystal said...

How ironic.
I was feeling the same last night. Sometimes the drudgery of housework seems easier than shaking my booty. After fighting the feeling for a while I just forced myself to go along with our family plans for the night and I ended up feeling great.
I think our kids do an amazing job of keeping us from becoming boring.

N for Fila said...

Awww...that is seriously too sweet. What great moments and memories you and your family are making...dishes should never come before dancing, you of all people should know that! LOL!