Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco De Mayo

This day holds precedence in our house not because we are Mexican, but because this also happens to be the day that my sweetheart turns yet another year older. Needless to say it is a fun day of celebration at our house.

She liked the cake

look at all those candles

the ruins



Crystal said...

Yay! What kind of cake did you end up making? I googled all over the place to find that recipe you wanted because it sounds so good!
Happy BDay S!

happyv said...

too cute! baby S totally smiles/looks like Sean on the last pic!

Maleina said...

We just ended up with jello cake but i made a fruit glaze that was yummy. I did find a few recipes that sound like they might come close to the heavenly wedding cake. I am telling you though that cake was GOOD, I have wanted another piece ever since your wedding!

Amanda said...

Happy birthday Sean! Strange as this sounds, that's the first thing I thought of when I woke up Monday morning... Sounds like it was fun. See you tomorrow!

sarana said...

?que? you're not mexican? you totally fooled me!! LOL....