Tuesday, May 6, 2008

love is in the air

We recently had a photo shoot with the wonderful Ashley Thalman. More to come later.


Crystal said...

Okay. This is SO cute. Are there more on your Flickr? Please say yes.

Crystal said...

Wow! I found more on her blog. You guys look great! I think we need to do the same...maybe that means we'll have to fly over there? ha, I wish.

Hillary said...

They look fantastic! Isn't she great!

[Morgan] said...

This one you posted was my favorite of the bunch!

Tinaya said...

I love this picture! love the outfits you picked, ha, ha!

Maleina said...

Morgan I think this is my favorite to actually. I want to put this one on the wall.

Ashley Thalman said...

PAXMANS! i am so happy that you love them. your family is so happy and stunning and soooo easy to work with. hope all is well...

happyv said...

totally CUTE!!!

Staigerfamily said...

I love, love, love the pictures! I went to her site and checked out the rest. . . FANTASTIC!

Margaret said...

So amazing. I'm excited to see more!

Robyn said...

I love that picture! So cute!

alisa said...

this is such a cute picture! would that be freaky if i ordered one . . .? can i? can i? i want to submit it to lds family, or is it lds living? i dunno. it looks like it would make a cool cover to that mag. haha