Monday, April 27, 2009

High Five

The other night we went to an all you can eat place for dinner. ( I was tried and hungry and it just sounded good to me don't ask!) After eating my two year old was ready for desert. I took her over and thinking that we would just share I let her pick a bowl of ice cream, a piece of carrot cake, and a cookie. When we returned to the table my sister says to her "wow, that is a lot of dessert!" She beams back and says " yes, my ice cream, my cake, and my cookie!" Then she reaches her little palm across the table and shouts "high five!"


[Morgan] said...

heh he he. that's awesome.

BENVANA said...

atta girl! Love it! Mom, don't ever assume anything because kids will prove you wrong. Hey, I found your blog address again!

Amanda said...

What a laugh! Did you get to help her eat it or was she adamant about it being "hers"?

Robyn said...

She's learning the in's and out's of all you can eat!!

Maleina said...

she did eat most of the carrot cake but the truth is it was an all you can eat place neither of us finished any of it.

Nakki said...

Just like her mommy! lol I can never go to an "all-you-can-eat" with out over eating. I try to keep my distance.

happyv said...

how cute! ^_^

remember when we were broke yet we scrounged around for enough cash to go to an all-you-can-eat?