Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello old friend

It seems with the beginning of each new year I vow to prioritize, organize, and just get it together. At the end of each year I'm, well I'm still just me, somewhat prioritized, not very organized, and rarely all together. This year I still vow to prioritize, organize, and get it together, (one day I'll get there, wherever there is!), BUT I also vow to enjoy the ride. I spend so much time and energy chasing the perfect place I hope to get to, I sometimes forget to enjoy my here and now. My resolution this year is to enjoy here and now, even if that means loving no sleep, and still being way to many sizes to count away from fitting my clothes. (Yep I broke down and bought me the fat pants.) In my pursuit to enjoy the journey I want to spend more time actually doing things I enjoy, even though it might be hard to get a minute to myself. One thing I haven't done lately is blog which at one point of time I really enjoyed. So here is a new beginning to my old blog, I've missed you old friend!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

YAY for fat pants! i agree that people shouldn't wait until they have attained "perfection" to be happy...that includes looking good in your clothes, even if they're not the size you think they should be.
Looking forward to reading up on your musings!