Monday, September 10, 2007

bored anyone?

I was listing to the radio the other day and this commercial comes on about what do when you are bored something like that, anyway I thought to myself when was the last time I was bored? I can't even remember! Who has time to be bored anymore. I feel bad when I take down time because slowly all the things I have to do creep into my mind. For those of you who think being a stay at home mom is boring I want to know your secret! Honestly from cleaning up spilled milk, to averting poopy messes, to doing the laundry (and here is a tidbit, I don't even fold mine anymore!) who has time to be bored! Now, I am not complaining I love that I haven't been bored but maybe if I could just be a little less busy......ahhhhhhhh! Off to go tackle some of my ever growing to do list!


Crystal said...

Ha! I just told someone about 2 hours before reading this post that I can't remember the last time I was bored. I am SO with you on this one.

Veeda said...

I admit, sometimes when Mei is napping I feel like I have some time on my hands. Then I remember all the chores I need to do or other things I am behind on and that thought dissapears.

I'm suring having another child changes this dramaticially!

Thanks for visiting my blog, you are so nice. Isn't Jo going to be in town soon?