So after almost no sleep and an upset stomach from eating WAY to much food I decided to get up and go this morning. I almost didn't do it. I mean really is standing out in the cold, getting pushed around, and saving maybe $20 worth it? Honestly. I guess it was for me! I got almost everything on my list and then some! I got up at 4:30 this morning then stood for half an hour in the freezing cold to save what they told me was $90! That is what my receipt said anyway. In reality I think I saved about $40 and I got a bonus $5 gift card from Target not bad. I then headed to the mall and got cute clothes for cheep for the kiddies, there they said I saved something like $100 (can we say overinflated prices to begin with)then I haded to Costco were the crowds were the least threatening and made an impulse buy which is yet to be reveled because of certain people who may read this blog. I ended at Walmart which was actually just a quick stop I did save $10 on a toy but they were out of the cheep PJ's $7 for two pair of blanket sleepers!
At Target there was pushing involved, but no wait time to get out, all their cash registers were open. Macy's department store was nice and empty but the wait in line took awhile, Mervyn's was a MESS but I got WAY cute clothes and I had nothing better to do while I waited an hour and a half for Costco to open it's doors. I have to give Costco five stars for preparedness everything was easy to find and very clearly marked so you knew what was the sale stuff and what was not. Target gets credit for early morning crowd control the line was single file and they had security to insure no cutting! Walmart was, well Walmart. I enjoyed the rush and only wish I had had company on the journey.
Overheard in the Target line at 5:30 AM doors opened at 6.
person a: So what are you getting?
person b: I don't know. Hopefully something good.Who stands in line that early not knowing why they are there?
Overheard in the Mervyn's line that I stood in for a good 45 min and there were maybe six people in front of me.
person a: My wife and I do this every year, and every year after today our Christmas shopping is done. person b: You must save tons of money.person a: I wouldn't really know we just love doing this together.Earlier person a had told person b that they started in the Target line at 3AM! They got everything they wanted.
Overheard at Costco
My personal favorite of the day.
Mom to son: grab one of those quick, quick!Son grabs item which is a MP3 player that a lot of people were grabbing.Mom to Son: what is it?