Friday, November 30, 2007


So my husband gets to spend a week here on a business trip. Business? Because they could not have meetings anywhere else in the world right? So in January, the dead of winter, I will be on full diaper duty and husband less. I can't complain to much my wonderful mother and sister will be on hand to help out with the kids. I just wish his business trip involved spouses!


Crystal said...

Wow! I feel sooo sorry for him ;)
Is this related to his little business idea that he has had...I remember you mentioning something about him wanting to do it.

Nava_jo said...

Well I hear they keep everyone pretty at those work conferances. Plus, it depends who he has to room with. That could ruin anything fun :)

Still I'm jealous!

Robyn said...

Yeah, business life is tough. I wonder if Ryan works at all when it's nice weather outside. He and the "boys" from the office are always out golfing. Miserable jobs!

BENVANA said...

Wow, where is that at?? Well, think of it this way: Since they have to go to work to bring home the cash, work gives them a little gettaway destination WHILE they are STILL working. That's good that mom and sister will be there to help! How fun!