Did you know that stress can actually lead to weight gain in your mid section? This got me thinking that I need to distress a little. So I came up with a list of things to do to distress my life. Who knows if it works maybe I’ll lose a few pounds from my gut, or maybe not, probably best not to stress about it!
1. Throw away to do list. I suppose lists and checking things off works for some people. I am not one of those people. Seeing a long list, or even mentally having a long list of things to do stress me out. Instead I try and pick one thing a day I would like to accomplish and work towards that. I find that when I do this I get a lot more done. Maybe because I am not busy stressing about what else needs to be done.
2. Forget would a, should a, could a. Think about I did, I’m doing, and done!
I try not to focus on what is not done, and instead focus on all that I have done. For example I would love my house to look like Martha Stewart herself came to decorate it, but circumstances have left my walls bare and my house definitely lacking on decoration. On the bright side I have hung one set of curtains, painted one wall, and completed a project that one day will make it up on the wall. Oh and I hung my fall wreath on my front door before the end of fall!
3. I know that yes there probably is someone out there that could do it bigger, better, and in less time, but hey I can do it. Whatever “it” is you can do it. You may not be the best and you may need to improve but if you can do it that is a step in the right direction.
4. Find something you love to do and do it. I have remembered since starting this blog that I enjoy writing. I am always thinking of different posts to post and it is something that gives me joy. I am less stressed when I find time, (even if it is thirty seconds on a bathroom break thinking about writing), to do something I enjoy.
5. And of course forget yourself and serve others! It is true that when we help others we feel good and so do they! Everyone knows in a win-win situation like that everyone ends up happy, and a little less stressed!